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Are you looking for a music store that gives lessons at a reasonable rate? Well you’ve come to the right place. Song-a-Day Music has a unique staff with two decades of experience. Song-a-Day Music Center is located in a small town in Coventry, CT. This is a tight niche community and continues to grow and expand. Song-a-Day Music is very welcoming environment for students of all ages to learn many different instruments. For more information on all of our services click on the tabs above.



Song-a-Day Music Center provides lessons in Guitar, Piano, Violin, 5-String Banjo, Mandolin, Ukulele, Bass Guitar, Dulcimer, Woodwinds, Brass, Drums, and Voice to students of all ages.

Instrument Rentals

The Song-a-Day Music Center is pleased to announce that we have become an affiliate with Veritas Instrument Rentals. We have Band Instruments and Strings (Violin/Viola/Cello/Bass) available at a reasonable monthly rate, on a Rent-to-Own basis. Please call the Music Center for details and to find out if a particular instrument is available.


Instrument Repair

We offer repair services for most instruments, and can make referrals on others. Please contact the Music Center for any repair work you may need on stringed instruments or band instruments.